
We will install antivirus software to perform regular scans of your device. If you suspect you have been compromised in any way please contact us and we will investigate to remove the virus and assess any damage caused. 

The software we provide is Bitdefender GravityZone Cloud Security which will be remotely installed on each device. This allows us to stop threats more effectively. The Bitdefender unified layered approach stops most threats automatically, before they turn into breaches. Bitdefender consistently demonstrates better effectiveness in independent real-world security tests when compared to other next-gen and EDR solutions.


Email Security / Spam Filtering

We strongly recommend that all our customers use Email Security/Spam Filters to protect them from email threats, viruses and phishing attacks. This is to protect your email and filter any potential risks. 91% of cyber-attacks start with an email which is why it is so important to have this level of protection. Our spam filter will quarantine any suspicious emails and can allow end users or CRL to release emails if deemed safe to do so. 

We will create a ‘safelist’ and ‘blocked list’ to allow regular or requested emails to pass through or permanently block any threatening emails from individual email addresses or domains. We can manage settings to suit your business requirements.

Email backups are included as part of our Data Backup solution. We can archive email to free up mailbox storage space or if an employee leaves the business. Archiving saves mailbox space as the data is stored locally rather than in the mailbox.




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